Sunday, October 17, 2010

Building Approval

So building approval has gone through! Very happy with this progress now! We have been given the go ahead for build to start on the 9th of November. We have had a full on day today collecting septics for the block and timber poles. We met some really lovely new friends Jess and Murray while picking up our septics and although it was a lot tougher than first thought to get them out the ground, we didn't hugely mind as we were in great company. Our kids had a ball on their half acre and we ended up spending four hours up there and having lunch together. So the outcome today is a block equipped with septic tanks and timber poles for making the fences. I have added some pics of the block cleared and next time will post some of the septics etc.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Building almost approved and trenches being dug!!!

Well we have been told to expect our building approval next week! Just waiting for two signatures...You know how it is, either someone is on holiday or on a course or they only come in once a week!! But we have been assured everything is ready to go...
Today our trenches have been dug! Amazing how exciting a hole can be, just feels like something is actually happening now after soo long of waiting and looking at this vacant block of land.
Will post more pics once we head up there tonight.