Thursday, August 19, 2010

Planning Approval

Well, the next stage has been completed! We have been approved for planning after only 4 weeks! Gotta love the Shire of Mundaring. It will probably be another 2 weeks til our building approval comes through. We have put in the forms for our septic tanks and we are all feeling super pleased with how fast this process is going. After hearing from most people what a hassle it is to build and how long everything takes we were all very anxious and not too hopeful on anything with this project moving quickly. However, to date everything has gone so quickly and smoothly. We are building a timber poled home with Total Home Frames who have already completed one home in our area right behind where my sister in law is building, and they are also building another close by that's moving so quickly after only two weeks out of council. I'm thinking its going to be Christmas in a brand new house for us this year! Fingers crossed....