Friday, July 30, 2010

Application to build finally submitted!!

Very exciting! Two weeks ago we submitted our application to build into the council. It should take around 8 weeks to process and then onto the build! We are blessed enough to be building next door to our lovely family who will be sharing this entire process with us. They have the half acre next door to us and have similar visions for their land too. We both have young children and really want them to experience nature and growing up eating produce straight from the land. I'm sure they will all have a wonderful childhood with this choice we have made, and what more could a parent ask for? Mucky happy little monsters running around and swinging from there new tree-house!
We have started to trial run our aquaponics at the house we are currently in! It is a 1000 litre tank (borrowed from my brother in law) and we have it stocked with around 25 rainbow trout. The trout were a fairly large size when we bought them as we were half way through season, but they are still growing wonderfully and starving at feeding time! Its really fun to watch, the kids are always involved in the feedings and they are patiently watching the tomato plants waiting for the first harvest!!