Sunday, October 17, 2010

Building Approval

So building approval has gone through! Very happy with this progress now! We have been given the go ahead for build to start on the 9th of November. We have had a full on day today collecting septics for the block and timber poles. We met some really lovely new friends Jess and Murray while picking up our septics and although it was a lot tougher than first thought to get them out the ground, we didn't hugely mind as we were in great company. Our kids had a ball on their half acre and we ended up spending four hours up there and having lunch together. So the outcome today is a block equipped with septic tanks and timber poles for making the fences. I have added some pics of the block cleared and next time will post some of the septics etc.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Building almost approved and trenches being dug!!!

Well we have been told to expect our building approval next week! Just waiting for two signatures...You know how it is, either someone is on holiday or on a course or they only come in once a week!! But we have been assured everything is ready to go...
Today our trenches have been dug! Amazing how exciting a hole can be, just feels like something is actually happening now after soo long of waiting and looking at this vacant block of land.
Will post more pics once we head up there tonight.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Planning Approval

Well, the next stage has been completed! We have been approved for planning after only 4 weeks! Gotta love the Shire of Mundaring. It will probably be another 2 weeks til our building approval comes through. We have put in the forms for our septic tanks and we are all feeling super pleased with how fast this process is going. After hearing from most people what a hassle it is to build and how long everything takes we were all very anxious and not too hopeful on anything with this project moving quickly. However, to date everything has gone so quickly and smoothly. We are building a timber poled home with Total Home Frames who have already completed one home in our area right behind where my sister in law is building, and they are also building another close by that's moving so quickly after only two weeks out of council. I'm thinking its going to be Christmas in a brand new house for us this year! Fingers crossed....

Friday, July 30, 2010

Application to build finally submitted!!

Very exciting! Two weeks ago we submitted our application to build into the council. It should take around 8 weeks to process and then onto the build! We are blessed enough to be building next door to our lovely family who will be sharing this entire process with us. They have the half acre next door to us and have similar visions for their land too. We both have young children and really want them to experience nature and growing up eating produce straight from the land. I'm sure they will all have a wonderful childhood with this choice we have made, and what more could a parent ask for? Mucky happy little monsters running around and swinging from there new tree-house!
We have started to trial run our aquaponics at the house we are currently in! It is a 1000 litre tank (borrowed from my brother in law) and we have it stocked with around 25 rainbow trout. The trout were a fairly large size when we bought them as we were half way through season, but they are still growing wonderfully and starving at feeding time! Its really fun to watch, the kids are always involved in the feedings and they are patiently watching the tomato plants waiting for the first harvest!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Perth Hills Half Acre Homestead

Hi, welcome to my blog. Here I will be documenting our journey from vacant half acre block to beautiful and productive homestead. Our vision is to have a sustained way of life still within half an hour of the city. We want the whole lot; chooks, veges, fruit trees, aquaponics and all the fun our little hobby farm has to offer. Our ideal in this consumer driven society is to be near self sufficient or at least to learn enough to one day fulfill our dream of doing this..What more of a lifestyle could our young ones want for than homegrown food and outdoor lifestyle..exciting!!